Life, Better.


I'm ready.

Welcome to the Blog


Your life-long journey to whole-person health and a better quality of life is supported here.


Top Sleep Struggles in the US

Treatments for better rest, whole-person health, better sleep quality, take sleep quiz

The Last Meal Before Bed

The discovery of higher quality sleep by what you eat before you sleep...

Sleep & Health: Experts

Unlock the Key to a Better Life with Expert Guidance. 

Health: XX vs XY

Where we are at, what we know, and where to go from here.

Health For Life

It's about the quality of our lives along the journey

Modern Women's Health

Your journey is unique, and you are not alone. Create a custom plan just right...

True Change: Habits

Clear: True change isn't behavior change. It's identity change. So, who are you?

The 4 Pillars to Health

Get all 4 pillars for a stable foundation to long-term health. 

Heath Pillar 1 - Education

You can't fix what you don't know is broken. It's not your fault you don't know yet.

Health Pillar 2 - Your Coach

How to know which path is the right path to health for you. 

Health Pillar 3 - Food

Get all 4 pillars for a stable foundation to long-term health. 

Health Pillar 4 - Community

Get all 4 pillars for a stable foundation to long-term health. 

The best version of you, with a solid foundation and increasing resilience & capacity.

Measuring Your Worth

Are you limiting all your measures of worth, based on the culture you live in? 

Absolute Value

Scientific proof to why you matter, and why it matters that you are here on Earth. 

Capacity & Balance

Are you at peak performance? How to know you are at optimal capacity, not...

Just Because You Exist

Your impact on this world, in ways you've never considered.

Influence on a Robot

How you make a difference, just by your sheer will. Tested by chicks and people

Growing Your Willpower

The part of your brain you can literally grow, why you want to, and how you do it.

Exponential Contribution

How to grow your impact in the world, in your community, in your family, and your

Exploring YOU

Who am I? Why and I here? Why does it matter? What am I capable of? How to...

EQ: Emotional Intelligence

The basics of EQ and communicating with emotional intelligence.

Free Resources:




Fostering Personal Responsibility, Emotional Growth, and Leadership Skills

Abuse, Bullying & Teasing

The Science of Nueropeptides and Their Lasting Mark on the Body 

How You Treat People Tells Everyone All About You

Hurting others = weakness. Kindness = strength and intelligence. Proven

Growing Your Willpower

The part of your brain you can literally grow, why you want to, and how you do it.

Beause You Exist

What happened in Detroit shows exactly why you matter, just because you are here.

Measuring Your Worth

How do you measure your worth, & What you're missing

The Voices in Your Head

Child Psychologist - identifying and empowering

Becoming a Leader

Why you want leadership skills, no matter what you do in life

Why Your Health Matters Now

What all your guardian angels wish they could shake you into knowing

The Power of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is a form of torture. Too much is a warning. Get...

“The only problem we really have is thinking we’re not supposed to have problems.” (Tony Robbins) Being stuck in shame keeps you from recovering. “Problems call us to a higher level – face & solve them now!

A Better You Means...

For parents: Trying your best makes all the difference. A Guide for Parents, Part 3

Teen Addiction: Understanding

Understanding the Role of Life Coaches, Therapists, and Other Professionals

What Are You Worried About

Plenty. I get it. When youth struggle with addiction, parents often struggle too.


Understanding Vaping

Empowering them to make informed choices. A Guide for Parents, Part 1

Understanding Addiction

recognize the underlying factors. A Guide for Parents, Part 2

Mastering Mind & Body

Tried everything? Bet you've never done it this way before.

How effective leadership fosters unity and collaboration within teams.

Becoming a Leader

Why you want leadership skills, no matter what you do in life

John Maxwell Leadership

Get all 4 pillars for a stable foundation to long-term health. 

Humble Leadership

A leader for all, no matter your job or ability. Where to start...

Free Resources:


Coming soon
