It's Time.

It's TIME to understand yourself and your purpose.

It's TIME to attain the skills and resources to navigate all roadblocks.

It's TIME to grow, communicate better, and experience greater outcomes.

It's TIME to for a revolution in your career, your workplace, and your organization.

I'm ready to learn more.

Coaching for Professionals

My coaching involves the ability to understand your organization: Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, and coming alongside you while helping you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms. Together we identify, envision, and strategize. You gain customized tools to help you both now and to prepare for what is ahead.


Career-focused Growth

It is my highest objective to help you understand where you are, and what your purpose is. Then develop and achieve your vision and your goals.

1. Where Am I?

2. What Are My Superpowers?

3. Where Am I Going?

4. How Do I Get There?

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

We work through Small & Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound with attainable objectives.


Combined with
Mt. Kilimanjaro 360°

The 1% Plan

200x Roadblock Blasting

Tools & Resources


Team Leadership

As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member, I work alongside your team, helping you:

• Overcome limiting paradigms

• Access greater human potential

1. Leadership & Communication

2. Maxwell Growth Principles

3. Individual & Group Full Assessments


Why Jenn

What It Means | Independent Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Speaker with Maxwell Leadership Certified Team


I am licensed to speak, coach, and train others using content, resources, and materials from the #1 Leadership Expert in the world, Dr. John C. Maxwell. Trained in the Maxwell Method, I add value to people. John's exclusive leadership and personal growth resources maximize my ability to train individuals, businesses, and organizations anywhere, in any country.


Master Practitioner Certification


What is human potential?


5 Principles and Practices of Success are drawn from the studies of Virginia Satir, Frtiz Perls, Gregory Bateson, Victor Frankl, Alfred Korzybski, Abraham Maslow, William James, Carl Rogers, and Aldous Huxley... to name a few. These methods use perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to make it easier for anyone to change their thoughts and actions. These include recovery from phobias & anxiety, zeroing out addiction, and rapid personal development & improvement.


Some current world leaders have recognized these exact methods empower their people, and have started utilizing them throughout their entire systems – including public education, business, and government. I have a Master Practitioner NLP Certification. (What is NLP?)


My –and my clients– experience with these methods is clear. We are thrilled with our results.



In progress:

Professional Addiction Counseling Diploma  EMDR Therapy Certification  Internationally Accredited Trauma & Recovery Practitioner



I’m Jenn. I love to travel and have been blessed to live in California, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, and time abroad in Berlin, Germany. I live in the Rocky Mountains of Utah now. Maxwell Leadership brings my past and present training together. I've studied Psychology & Sociology since I was 12, earned my Bachelor's in Human Development, and grown 10+ years in public education, public speaking, and business leadership. Certified Neurolinguistic Programming (IGNLP Associate and Master) coaching. I know conversational German, have experience in American Sign Language, and am learning Spanish.


I volunteer weekly doing community education, leading a community music group, and supporting a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that promotes solution-based policies to remove barriers to opportunity.

I also offer pro-bono coaching services. Click here for info.

How It Works



Fill out the Request Info Form


Connect with Jenn's Team: Get your questions answered and all needed information to Jenn.

Prep: Receive and go through short getting-ready tools.


Request Infomation



Meet, Learn, Apply & Plan


Make & apply your plan with Jenn: Meet your unique needs by customizing tools and resources with Jenn. Small or large groups will gain unexpected insights and new perspectives. Each person is empowered to amplify & realize their potential, giving the entire team exponential results.




Get Exponential & Measured Results


Unlock the full potential of your organization with professional coaching services. Be a business leader who:

• drives success and expansion

• improves performance, productivity, and decision-making abilities

• enjoys increased employee commitment, communication, and teamwork

Success Stories

Allie S.


I participated in the personal growth masterclass and one-on-one coaching with Jenn and had a wonderful experience in both!


Jenn does an amazing job at creating a positive, accepting, and supportive environment. I recommend them to anyone interested in learning how to create powerful new mindsets that transform your life!


Emma F.


Working with Jenn has been a phenomenal experience. She has a clarity of thought and vision that taught me things in an instant that would have taken me forever to figure out by myself. Her guidance is priceless.


I highly recommend her. She is outstanding at what she does and it's all genuine.

Melissa C.

Jenn has become one of the best parts of my week in our coaching sessions. Powerful visualizations that hit the subconcious mind centers and she always finds a new angle/way for me to look at whatever my "issue" is.


Aside from that, she's just an amazing integrous human!


Contact Jenn